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مواضيع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي سهله جدا للطلبة وجاهزة للتقديم  

من الأمور التي تحظى باهتمام كبير لدى الطلاب ، خاصة مع الاتجاه الحديث في طرق التعليم الإلكترونية ؛ حيث أصبح اتجاه المعلمين أكثر احتسابًا واعتمادًا على استخدام أجهزة الكمبيوتر في الواجبات المنزلية والاستفادة من برامج العروض التقديمية. لكي يزود موقع العراف الطلاب بجميع الموضوعات والمعلومات لمساعدتهم على التفوق وتحسين تحصيلهم الأكاديمي ، قمنا بإدراجك في هذا المقال

The importance of sport اهمية الرياضة

Sports and exercises play an important role in our daily life. Everyone can benefit from exercise. You should do some physical activity at least three times per week. Regular exercise will keep your heart and lungs healthy, make you stronger, keep you healthier, and make you look better and make you feel better about yourself. Sports strengthen the body function of people and preserve the youth of them. I advise you to make some time to practice sport in order to have a happy and healthy life.

Free time…… وقت الفراغ

On school days I don't get long free time because of too much homework I have to do. I usually get two free hours every day. Then I can do what I like. I thing that watching T.V programmers is more interesting than watching video films. In my opinion, I think reading magazine is enjoyable and it's boring to read books and newspaper. I like to spend my holiday with my family; we usually go together to shopping center and some times to the cinema. On weekend, I prefer to visit my friend and spend lovely time with hear in her house.

مواضيع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي سهله

عندما لا تعرف كيفية كتابة خطاب تعريف باللغة الإنجليزية ، فقط اطلب المساعدة من شخص يعرف نصائح وأسرار الكتابة الأكاديمية الرائعة. تجدر الإشارة إلى أنه يجب عليك دائمًا قضاء وقت كافٍ في اختيار السمة المناسبة للحفاظ على تركيزك على النقاط الرئيسية لمشروعك ، ولكن في هذه المقالة ، سنوجهك عبر الطريقة الأنسب لاختيار سمة العرض التقديمي.

Childhood memories.........ذكريات الطفوله

When I was eight I used to live in the same house as I do now. ALi, Mohammed, and Noor used to be my best friends. I used to like chocolate, Pizza and ice cream, but I didn't used to like fish or rice and I never used to drink milk. Barbie used to be my favorite toy, which I like to spend long time playing with it. The water garden, Adari park and Salmania park used to be my favorite places. //But I used to hate to go to school and hospitals. When I was little I used to like riding bikes. Swimming and watching T.V and I always wanted to be a doctor.


Last week I visited the national park in lganda. It is a nice place to see the animals, the different birds, monkeys ..... I stayed in a small comfortable mud hut by the river side. the viem was breath-leaking and the 3o meters high waterfall were great. I took aired on a small boot to see the hippos and crocodiles. I also droved jeep with a ranger who told me a lot about the lion and the monkey. During the night the weather was great as it was the dry season and so we steady by the campfire ate grilled fish and listened to the stories of the rangers about the poachers. The trip was great. We really enjoyed and I made new friends

مواضيع برزنتيشن جاهزة  بالانجليزي

يصبح الأمر أكثر صعوبة عندما تحتاج إلى اختيار موضوع رائع لعملك الأكاديمي ؛ لهذا السبب يجب أن يكون لديك فهم واضح لهدفك الأساسي المتمثل في كتابة موضوعك ، وتذكر أن أسلوب العرض يختلف عن مقال ، وهو عبارة عن عرض مرئي جيد التنظيم للبيانات والمعلومات الهامة. نقدم لك أدناه مجموعة من سمات عروض PowerPoint التقديمية باللغة الإنجليزية ، يمكنك اختيار واحدة منها لتكتبها.

My dream room….غرفه النوم

I am a 15 years old student, which always dreams of having her own bedroom. //I thinks my bedroom is going to be big and blue. It's going to have tow windows with white curtains. My bed is going to be decorated with blue fish. //In my bedroom, there will be a T.V and stereo system, so I can listen to music while reading. I am going to home a big swimming pool in my bathroom, with a lot of toys. //My room is going to be always clean and comfortable as well.

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مواضيع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي سهله جدا للطلبة وجاهزة للتقديم  

موضوع برزنتيشن عن الحياة في المريخ
There are some ingredients for life that already exist on Mars. Bio signatures refer to current and past life markers. Furthermore, scientists are scouring the surface for them. Moreover, there has been an emergence of a few promising leads. One notable example is the presence of methane in Mars’s atmosphere. Most noteworthy, scientists have no idea where the methane is coming from. Therefore, a possibility arises that methane presence is due to microbes existing deep below the planet’s surface.
Challenges to Life on Mars can be summarized in some points, First of all, almost all plants and animals cannot survive the conditions on the surface of Mars. This is due to the extremely harsh conditions on the surface of Mars. Another major problem is the gravity of Mars. Most noteworthy, the gravity on Mars is 38% to that of Earth. Furthermore, low gravity can cause health problems like muscle loss and bone demineralization.

The climate of Mars poses another significant problem. The temperature at Mars is much colder than Earth. Most noteworthy, the mean surface temperatures of Mars range between −87 and −5 °C. Also, the coldest temperature on Earth has been −89.2 °C in Antarctica.

اسئلة متعلقة

مرحبًا بك إلى الاعراف التعليمي ، الموقع تحت ادارة الأستاذة علا الشمري

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