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مواضيع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي 2022 

مواضيع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي 2022 ، هذا من الأشياء التي تهم المعلمين وطلاب الجامعات ، لأنه يتعين عليهم إعداد موضوعات الكلام باللغة الإنجليزية ، ويواجه الكثير من الناس صعوبة في كتابة موضوعات العروض التقديمية باللغة الإنجليزية بسبب ضعف قدرتهم وخبرتهم في اللغة الإنجليزية. شيء مهم ، خاصة لأنها لغة عالمية يتواصل من خلالها الناس من مختلف دول العالم

موضوع: تأثير وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على الطلاب (The effect of social media on students).

Social media has become an integral part of the lives of many of us after its emergence and rapid spread in society, and the use of social media is not limited to a specific age or intellectual group, but rather it is available to everyone, and social media has also become an attractive means that does not stop at all Certain, and always in renewal, and draws everyone who reads it.

مواضيع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي 

تعد المرحلة الجامعية من أكثر المراحل التعليمية ، حيث يجب على الطلاب إلقاء موضوعات الكلام باللغة الإنجليزية ، ويمكن أن تكون مفتوحة للطلاب من خلال اختيار الموضوعات ، أو يمكنهم تحديد موضوعات الكلام.المواضيع التالية تعرفك على التعليم في حياة الإنسان:

موضوع: أهمية التعليم في حياة الأفراد (The importance of education in people’s lives)

Education helps social integration and is one of the most important basics of solving the problem of poverty and achieving sustainable progress anywhere, but this should not be through any education, but rather education must be the best performance and continuity for all individuals in society, and learners must be empowered to be creative and responsible In general, the negative impact of poverty in society is reduced by improving the educational process and making it a right for all individuals without any discrimination or prejudice. There is a strong link between education and achieving economic and social progress in society. This education must include the development of all necessary skills for students in addition to To the possibility of keeping pace with technology, the use of computers, and other skills.

موضوع برزنتيشن مميز وغريب 

هناك العديد من موضوعات الكلام الغريبة والمميزة ، والتي صممت أساسًا لجذب انتباه الطلاب ومحاولة دراستها بعمق ، وفيما يلي سنعرض موضوعات الكلام الخاصة بالعولمة وأثرها على المجتمع.

الموضوع: تأثير العولمة على المجتمع (The impact of globalization on society)

Globalization aims to implant the psychological, intellectual and cultural values ​​and ideas of the dominant forces in the consciousness of others, especially the sons of traditional societies, opening these societies to their cultural penetration and dropping the elements of resistance, resistance and immunization within them, and in the cultural sense re-formulation of new values ​​and customs that establish another cultural identity. These societies seriously threaten their cultural identity. In the direction of imposing a cultural pattern and a certain cultural hegemony produced by the interests of the powerful, its main means is a mighty media tool that has become capable of reformulating morals and values, even customs.

مواضيع برزنتيشن انجليزي جاهز 

يبحث العديد من الطلاب عن عرض تقديمي جاهز باللغة الإنجليزية يمكنهم تقديمه بسهولة ، وهنا ستجد موضوعًا مثيرًا للاهتمام حول كيفية إدارة عواطفك ، وستجد أيضًا مقدمة وخاتمة وعناصر موضوع لتستخدمها بسهولة.

Hello … how are you today…My name is … I will present to you today a topic about how to control your emotions, I hope you will like it. And I will answer all questions at the end with all pleasure.


How to control your emotions


Emotions appear on the human when exposed to certain situations, such as feeling very sad and so it shows on the person by weeping, or the feeling of anger is shown by shouting or violence.

But sometimes these emotions appear and the person can not control them and this may be harmful, especially when you are among a group of people, or in a public place, so it is good to learn how to control emotions when exposed to different situations.

How to control your emotions

Count up to ten before doing any reaction to the situation; it may seem difficult at first, but doing so helps to control nerves and control emotions.

Drink a glass of water; when exposure to any situation is good to try to drink a glass of water so you can control your emotions. Water acts as a natural tranquilizer for the body under unusual circumstances.

Expect what may happen; so that the hearing of the news or the situation will be easy. It is therefore advisable to put all possibilities.

Silence; is often the best solution for all things, especially for emotions, in silence, no one will be able to determine the emotion and feeling experienced by others, because of the calm that prevails over their faces.

Trying to change the subject if possible; ignorance has an important role in reducing anger emotions, even if others feel that the person is doing so deliberately.

Leave the place immediately if possible; especially if the person can not control his emotions for a long time, such as excusing to enter the bathroom or go to drink water and so on.

Participate in groups to help control emotions; especially anger, there are people who want to control their emotions very strongly so they seek to make groups of different people so that they can help each other through their experiences.

Talk to a psychiatrist; The person must first realize that speaking to a doctor does not mean that he has a psychological problem, but to get help. The psychiatrist is a person who is specialist in these matters and has experience in this area.


Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the subject. If you have questions, I will answer them with pleasure.

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مواضيع برزنتيشن بالانجليزي 2022 

Responsibilities at home

Certainly, each of us has many different responsibilities that require him to perform fully and with the best possible performance.

There is also a set of household responsibilities that must be performed, including washing utensils and dishes, participating in preparing food, and cleaning the house.

In addition, I can help my little sister with her homework, study her lessons, take care of her, and talk to her about the problems she faces. Of course, parents must be helped in preparing a list of household needs, and then go shopping and buy what the home needs, and relieve the burden of carrying bags and going and returning from the supermarket.

All of this will help me in the future when I move to my own home, for here I will be able to bear the responsibility more, with my wife and my life partner, especially when we have children, so it is necessary to share the responsibility together.

The importance of sport

Exercise plays a big role in human life, so keeping exercise at least three times a week contributes to strengthening your body, and promoting the health of the lungs and heart, And it gives you a feeling of improvement in your health, and see yourself more fit and youthful.

Hence, we find that the functions of the whole body improve when we move and exercise regularly.

Therefore, we recommend that you devote part of your time to practicing sports activities, or walking on the streets for thirty minutes, as this would give you a healthier and happier life.

the computer

The computer plays an important role in human life, as it is one of the modern inventions that have facilitated many different things, so you can write on it, draw, or make videos through specialized programs.

It also has a large storage capacity that helps you save files, documents, photos, videos, and your projects with ease. In addition, you can enjoy the various electronic games on it, and with the presence of the modern Internet you can see all things, and know what is going on around you anywhere, while you are sitting in your country.

Hence, we can say that the computer is one of the greatest inventions that have appeared recently, and have benefited all of humanity.

مرحبًا بك إلى الاعراف التعليمي ، الموقع تحت ادارة الأستاذة علا الشمري

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